
24 Hour Real World Review: Star Wars Battlefront

By now, most SW fans have rushed out and picked up their copy of the new “Battlefront”, and that’s great. We’re huge fans of the original game and movies, so we completely understand. This review isn’t for them. It’s for gamers who aren’t driven by loyalty or hype, but actual gameplay and experience. For Star Wars fans, the idea of immersing yourself in a world where you can fight against imperials in a raging battle on Hoth or force choke every rebel scum as Lord Vader is worth whatever price is asked. For the rest of us, we just want to know if the newest installment of the Battlefront series lives up to the expectations.

DICE, the company behind the Battlfield series, is the developer of the game. Using their engine, they’ve recreated Star Wars with a beautiful, immersive environment. The graphics aren’t the only impressive aspect of the experience. The sound design in-game is incredible, with blaster rifle bullets whizzing by and vehicles racing overhead.

Gameplay wise, the game feels a lot like Battlefield when in first person mode and still really fluent in third person mode. The game modes range from objective based vehicle combat to regular death match type modes. The maps are pretty expansive; the game came out with 12 for multiplayer. The season pass, while expensive, is almost a necessary buy because it will be bringing 16 new maps, 4 more heros, and a load of new weapons. That’s kind of a let down because it will be $50 with more content than the game actually game out with (for $60). I guess DICE will have to use photo reference for every map, which means new locations, but still.
As far as single player goes, the game does fall short. The beloved “Instant Action” from Battlefront 2 has been replaced with a game mode called “Battles.” Though it can be fun at first, you can only play on 4 maps and they’re pretty small. It’s a terrible substitute for offline instant action. Sadly, it makes the game feel a little bare bones. The training and survival mode also feel a little weak but, with friends, the co-op could be really fun.
The customization, though limited, doesn’t take away from the gameplay and the amount of guns to use also seems a bit small; however, the season pass will be adding more in the future.
In conclusion, the game is a must grab (along with the season pass) if you’re a die hard Star Wars fan. If not, the game might be a good Christmas pickup or some other time later down the road. With the lack of content, the price for what should be the full game is just too large.

What do you think?

Written by geek'd

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