
Big Mouth Season 3

Big Mouth season three is more wild and inappropriate than ever, but this show tackles some ideas about growing up other than the struggles of puberty and sex. Like many TV shows and movies this year, Big Mouth brings up the idea of moving on and accepting who you are, the idea that you should enjoy the time spent with friends, but that those relationships likely won’t last forever; and the fact that life is constantly changing whether you want it to or not. As the shows theme song says, these characters are all going through changes. Andrew deals with slowly losing his relationship with his best friend Nick who is becoming more interested in girls. Jessi is still dealing with her parents splitting and how that is affecting her and also discovering her sexuality simultaneously. Likewise Jay is learning something new about his sexuality, discovering that he may be bisexual. Meanwhile hormone monsters, the depression kitty and ADHD are making life as a 13 year old a lot harder than it should be. Although the show does have some more serious themes it still does what it intends to, which is to make you laugh. The show remains hilarious with it’s amazing cast of comedians, Nick Kroll, John Mulany, Jessi Klein, Jordan Peele and more. Season three is incredibly funny and over all has a good message of accepting change. If you like low brow humor that isn’t afraid to tackle anything from fart jokes to kissing cousins, Big Mouth is for you.

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Written by geek'd

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