
Borderlands 3

Play the new borderlands as any one of the four new playable characters as the travel to new planets fighting the evil bandit cult leaders the calypso twin all while farming as much legendary loot as you can on the way.

Gearbox fans rejoice in the fact that another borderlands has finally been released

Borderland 3 is the latest game in the borderland saga taking place years later after the second game with four new vault hunters to play as Zane, Amara, Moze, and Fl4x. Each playable character has their own unique abilities to match any gamers play style. Play alone or with up to four others in cooperative play. This borderland sets itself apart from all other borderlands by letting you select your difficulty from normal to easy for anyone that wants to play the game for the story and having two different gamemode to select. The two game modes are Cooperative and coopetitive. In coopetitive you play with friends defeat bosses and discusses who gets what loot that drops like the classic borderlands, in cooperative everyone gets their own individual drop from boss fights so that no one player can loot ninja any of the good stuff for themselves.

Now onto actual gameplay, as all good borderlands game we start with an opening cutscene introducing our new vault hunters and showcasing their abilities all with the musical accompaniment  of The Heavy. After selecting the vault hunter you will be playing as the familiar character, Claptrap, will give you your first mission to defeat the bandit psycho Shiv all while introducing all the new mechanics add to the game and some older ones that have been improved. One of the new changes to the game is adding an alternative fire to some of the weapons. Now switch from shooting bullets to rocket without having to swap weapons. Also  adding brand loyalty to each weapon manufacturer, rewarding players for using any of the weapon brands that they most enjoy. The game continues to impress by adding another new feature zone challenges these challenges are defeat enemies with unique names, deliver this vehicle to Ellie, and the classic find all the collectable each challenge providing a reward in experience, money, and loot. The most anticipated features add to the game is the intergalactic travel between planets on the new ship Sanctuary. The ship not only works as a means of travel to new planets it’s also a great place to show off your worth as a vault hunter giving each player a room with walls to decorate with any rare or legendary loot you’ve collected through your playthrough.

Gearbox has really learned what works and what doesn’t from their previous games by re adding farmable loot and changing how some of the weapons fire to occomadate to any fans that have any health issues with bright flashing lights. The game is great to play alone but even better playing it with friends and the story of the game has some great writing once you start playing you will not want to stop until you have played it to the end learning more about the vaults and their secrets the game has lingered over the player for years. The developers are really in touch with the community around this game by adding some hilarious dialogue and well thought out easter eggs for the fans to find and explore I would highly recommend this game to anyone that wants a cooperative shooter to play with their friends.

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Written by geek'd

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