
Call of Duty Mobile

Call of Duty was released on mobile recently. They dropped the mobile online version with iconic maps like Nuketown and Crossfire. The game is similar to the actual console version. The mobile game includes multiple game choices like Battle Royale, Team Deathmatch, Domination, Gun Game, and more just like the console game. It has the same leveling up system as the console games do, gaining experience with each game you play, and each time you level up something new unlocks for you to have access to whether it be a new loadout spot
or new tactical equipment, etc. Your character and equipment are customizable and upgradeable, as well as choosing and customizing your loadout and setting up multiple loadouts. However unlike most of the past COD console games it does not have a story mode.

The game overall is great, it’s competitive with other already existing mobile games such as Fortnite and PUBG. It has great graphics and I haven’t had an issue with game lag or loading time. I actually enjoy playing it more than I do PUBG (I don’t play Fortnite), I think part of that though is the options of the other game modes be- sides the Battle Royale. Truthfully it’s not missing anything for not having a story mode, it would honestly not be beneficial in my opinion just because they would more than likely have to charge for something like that and I don’t think it would be worth it for something on mobile, like it would be for a console. It really carries the same characteristics of the other COD games and I would recommend it if you have enjoyed any of the past COD games or Fortnite and PUBG. It’s a free game with the option to buy in game add-ons if wanted, not that I’ve purchased any.

What do you think?

Written by geek'd

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