
Comic Review: Origins Unknown

Last Weekend’s Wizard World Comicon in Tulsa was a blast. There were celebrities, art, and comics as far as the eye could see. One artist however, caught my attention immediately.

Vantage: Inhouse Productions’ Victor Dandridge is no stranger to the con-circuit. He’s been spreading the word about his independently published comic series’ for over 5 years, and the content runs the gamut between super toddlers to a grindhouse love letter to the likes of Quentin Tarantino and Sam L. Jackson (reviews of which will be coming soon!). What we’re here to talk about today is a primer of sorts, to get you introduced to the writing style of Dandridge: Origins Unknown.

Origins Unknown is a short (3 stories with a handful of pages among them) anthology concerning the origins of 3 young heroes. The stories give razor thin exposition, it feels like you’re thrown into the middle of a scene from some issue #0 secret origin story. The 1st issue is in color and the other 2 are B&W, done well (for a short independent comic) by artist Jacob Newell.

The shorts are intriguing but also give very little away, which strengthens the stories overall. The art and writing could admittedly use some polish, but it’s great to read such a fresh voice that is currently hard pressed to find in most mainstream filler. Any of these three stories have potential to be something awesome. Simply put, we want more Victor!

Don’t forget to check out our interview with Victor Dandridge below, where he talks a bit about each of his titles and where he’ll be next. He may be coming to a city near YOU!

You can follow him on Instagram @vantageinhouse and take a look at all of his series at

What do you think?

Written by geek'd

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