
Cosplay Spotlight: Sock Ninja Cosplay!

This week we’re proud to introduce a wonderfully creative crafter, Sock Ninja Cosplay! Her passion developed like so many of us, at an event where she saw cosplayers bring her favorite characters to life. She heard the calling, and answered in a major way. Want to see what 2 years of hard work and passion can do? Check out her gallery and read her cosplay ‘origin’ story for some inspiration of your own!


Rebekka Wise, aka Sock Ninja Cosplay

Favorite genre/characters/mythos? 

Oh gosh, anything video game related! Mostly Blizzard Entertainment games. I’m a pretty avid gamer, so if you haven’t already noticed… 90% of my costumes are video game related. Lol!

How did you get started?

Well, it was a dark and stormy night, wait, no, it wasn’t. It was actually the morning of November 7th, 2014 (Yes, I know the exact date lol) and I was currently in line with thousands of Blizzard Entertainment geeks waiting for the doors to Blizzcon to open for the day. At the time I had been playing World of Warcraft for 7(ish) years and never in my wildest dreams had I imagined I’d be brushing shoulders with Thrall… but that’s exactly what happened. Eventually I tore my gaze away from his orcish green skin and gigantic tusks… that’s when I noticed Jaina was there too, as was Arthas… and even a night elf druid! Every direction I looked had me asking the same question, “How is this possible?” I grabbed my laptop later that evening and started researching what I soon found out was referred to as “cosplay”… and that’s how my journey down the cosplay rabbit hole began… I returned to Blizzcon the next year wielding my sword and strutting around as my T12 Warrior. I can’t believe it has almost been 2 years since I started cosplaying!

Who or what is your inspiration?

Hands down Kamui Cosplay and Evil Ted Smith are my cosplay inspirations. Not only are they super talented, but they also give back to the community and are extremely focused on teaching others the art behind cosplay! I’ve had the pleasure of meeting them both and they are just as lovely in person as they are on youtube and facebook. 

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Favorite genre/characters/mythos? 

Armor builds with Worbla! I absolutely love the stuff! Here recently I’ve been teaching (forcing) myself to learn how to sew and that’s been exciting, but I can definitely say armor is still my love and passion.

Favorite resource you use for learning?

Youtube! Specifically Kamui Cosplay and Evil Ted Smith on YouTube. There’s so much out there! There’s also several websites that I frequent. Mostly and on occasion

Any tips for beginners?

S.A.F.E.T.Y! Safety should always be your number one concern! You’re going to see/watch a lot of videos/tutorials that disregard safety. Don’t do it. Comfort isn’t worth losing an eye or finger over. Before you start investing in cosplay materials for your costumes, you should really pick up some standard safety gear first! Here’s a small list of safety essentials:

1. Safety Glasses (Don’t lose an eye!)

2. No Cut Gloves (You don’t want to lose a finger to an Xacto knife, trust me, I almost did.)

3. Respirator (Protect your lungs when sanding and playing with chemicals. Yes, even EVA foam is harmful when heated up.)

4. Dust Mask (When sanding/dremeling)

Where can people see more of your work?

I’m all over social media! I’m Sock Ninja Cosplay on everything. 🙂 (@sockninjacosplay) – I have a few tutorials I’m currently editing, but they’ll be up and I’ll start posting regularly eventually.

We thank Sock Ninja for sharing her story and pics this week, and really love the emphasis on safety! Check out her youtube channel for updates of her how-to videos and be sure and follow her social pages for more inspiration and progress updates. Stay tuned for more cosplay coverage, and if you know of someone we should cover, email us at so we can shine a light on their hard work and talent, just like Sock Ninja!

What do you think?

Written by geek'd

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