
Fortnite 6.22 Patch Notes

Featuring a Brand New Assault Rifle and Limited Time Mode!

With the instillation of balloons, and Fortnitemares coming to an end, Fortnite continues to keep the continuity of new items and modes with the new 6.22 patch.

The patch notes include the brand new “heavy assault rifle” weapon, adding a new way to pack a punch and carry your team.

Even though Fortnitemares  technically came to an end after Halloween, Fortnite still gives us a way to enjoy it by creating the limited time game mode “Team Terror.” This game mode features a 50/50 team battle with cube monsters thrown into the mix to add to the fun.

With football season coming around the corner, Fortnite has also teamed up with NFL to bring the ultimate football face-off. NFL outfits will make their debut in the store on November 9, at 7 PM ET.

Fortnite is also adding Fortnitemares into the Save The World battle mode, for those who have purchased it.

Mode Details:

  • Two teams of 32 players. Eliminate the other team to win.
  • Monster spawners are scattered throughout the map and also appear each time the storm closes in to a new circle.
  • Monsters can drop weapons or ammo when destroyed. Gold monsters and monster spawners drop Legendary items when destroyed.
  • Farming resources increased 75% over default.
  • Increased floor loot spawn likelihood by 15%.
  • Floor loot spawns double ammo.
  • Ammo boxes spawn triple ammo.
  • Chests spawn double ammo & consumables.
  • Supply drops spawn double ammo, and an extra consumable, resource drop and trap.

As a secondary game mode, Fortnite will be bringing back the classic Blitz battle mode. Blitz offers a faster-paced play style with the storm already moving towards the island at the start of the game. The storm intervals create matches that only last up to 15 minutes. With extra loot and resources, Blitz makes sure to make a more intensified battle Royale for those who are up to the challenge.

Mode Details:

  • The storm is already moving in at the beginning of the match, choose your landing spot carefully!
  • Wait time between storms is significantly shorter than usual; maximum match length is 15 minutes.
  • Increased chances of treasure chests spawning from 50-70% to 80-90%.
  • Increased chances of ammo boxes spawning from 65-80% to 85-95%.
  • Reduced empty floor loot spawn chance from 21.5% to 3.55%
  • Resource harvesting amounts increased by 50%.
  • Increased materials found on the ground from 30 to 60 per instance.
  • Increased number, spawn rate & the descent speed of Supply Drops.
  • Increased number of llamas spawned by 4x.
  • Removed shopping carts.

What do you think?

Written by geek'd

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