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Geek’d Reviews Captain America: Civil War!

If you’re like us, you just want to know if a movie is worth your time and cash, and we’d say that ‘Captain America: Civil War’ deserves both.  once again raises the bar with its latest outing, seamlessly blending comedy, drama and action into a 147 minute love song to its source material. Every piece of this machine works, and never comes off as formulaic or pandering to its audience. But, boy, does it deliver to the fanbase. Now, read no further if you want to avoid too much info, because going to see this movie with no expectations and no spoilers is the best way to enjoy. You will be thrilled. But, feel free if you think you might need some convincing…


The plot and dialogue work beautifully. Overall, the movie feels more mature and serious in tone than any of the previous ‘‘, but expertly delivers humor to emphasize just the right moments. There is a bit of a mystery with the opening scenes, but all is answered in due time, unfortunately at the expense of the team’s unity.

Spiderman is here, and he is beautiful. The right suit. The right actor. The right choice. Thank you Sony, now let Marvel take it from here. The web-head is home where he belongs.

The actors turn in terrific performances. Downey and Evans carry the weight of the drama, and do not disappoint.

Black Panther! So good. So very, very good. Perfect casting, terrific acting and wonderful introduction. We can’t wait for his solo film.

The action scenes are spot on, gritty and real. As the characters interact during the fight with superb choreography, banter and ‘big’ surprises, we come away with one of the best superhero battle scenes we’ve ever seen.

The writers have crafted a taut, intense screenplay that tests the audiences’ loyalties. By making each side’s argument compelling, full of human weakness and bias, they keep the audience guessing and second-guessing until the very end. Cap is a hero in some parts, and then a criminal in others. is the defender of the law, and then later is easily seen as the cinematic monster, complete with soundtrack and a vengeful agenda that serves no one but himself. And we the viewing audience are ring side for the whole thing. When the end comes, we are left debating our hero’s actions. The answers, just like their actions, aren’t in black and white, but then again nothing in life really is. Marvel does justice to these all too real superheroes, whose only real enemy might just be their humanity. We’ll be watching this one again, and urge you to do the same.

What do you think?

Written by geek'd

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