
Geek’d Reviews Guardians Vol. 2!

Never knew it was so hard to write movie reviews without unloading buckets of spoilers along the way. Makes sense, right? If you’re going to gush about the summer’s first blockbuster, you should give people reasons why. But, the details are what make these kinds of experiences so special, and this one is very special. So I won’t ruin it, but I will wholeheartedly tell you that you should see it. Questions from the first movie are answered. The ‘Guardians’ universe is expanded. And the chemistry between these characters hasn’t changed. In fact, at this point in the story we see these unlikely ‘losers’ making a living as heroes for hire. And they show the mileage of having worked and lived together as the friction and wear are showing. Imagine living with 4 diverse people and a toddler in a winnebago while fighting alien monsters for a living and you’ll start to get the picture. Now, throw in some massive emotional barriers and a lot of ego and you have a team on the verge of breaking up.

But that is what the underlying theme of this whole flick centers around: Family. Strangers, who for the first time have come to the realization that blood may be thicker than water, but loyalty can be thicker than blood. Throw in some mutual respect and a dash of forgiveness and the healing of old wounds quickens.

It’s a sweet family drama wrapped in a summer blockbuster full of action, color and visual spectacle. And it is wonderful. So much emotion, that while I border on spoilers, I’ll just say that this one really tugged on the heart.

If I had to be critical, I’d say it could be a little shorter. Edit out a bit more, especially in the middle. But the performances were strong, and there was a nice balance of screen time between characters and a ton of comedy relief. Baby Groot steals the show, but Yondu’s story arc is epic and nuanced. Michael Rooker is such a strong actor, and as we dip into his character’s backstory we quickly realize that he’s been down the same road as the ‘Guardians’, and his own regrets and bad choices reflect some of the team’s current path. It’s this experience that helps steer the young team during their struggles. The rest you should see for yourself.

If you’re a fan of the first one, you’ll be a fan of this one. Summer is definitely off to a great start and continues to lead the way!

What do you think?

Written by geek'd

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