
Geek’d Reviews SOLO!

just hasn’t really been on my radar, even though I’m a huge fan. I bought my ticket about 3o days ago and had forgotten about it, and to be honest it felt more like an obligation. I sat in the theater a little concerned that a large piece of my childhood was going to be skewered, that it would ruin the future of Star Wars for me. Harrison Ford IS Han Solo, and all of the turmoil over ‘The Last Jedi’ had me a little skittish that this flick might be a little less than what I hoped, especially after the original directors were fired and over 70% of the movie was rumored to have been reshot. I didn’t care that Lawrence Kasdan and son were writing it. I didn’t care that was directing. Sometimes the problems for a production can be larger than the cast and crew. The studio really holds the reigns.

So as the movie began to unfold, I was completely… relieved. It took a few minutes to accept this stranger as his namesake, but it happened. And after the first few scenes and fear subsided, it felt like a real Star Wars movie.

The movie is successful in becoming part of the Star Wars universe. I think that the casting is spectacular for all, including Han. This isn’t the Solo we all know and love, but instead we see him being formed. Donald Glover as Lando is a breath of incredibly fresh air, and to see the origin of their relationship is very entertaining. And even though I haven’t seen anyone else mention this yet, the sound design of the creatures and sound effects are incredibly effective. The world we see is dirty, grimy and full of alien creatures both new and familiar, but for the first time in a long time this universe felt tangibly real.

It’s not a perfect movie, but I found myself smiling and really feeling for these characters. Some would argue that the movie doesn’t need to exist, and to some extent I’d agree. But it’s fun to watch. And for a franchise where there is so much baggage and expectation, this was a welcome change. SOLO delivers a fun summer ride, with charm and action to spare.

What do you think?

Written by geek'd

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