Ever since I first laid eyes on the tall, lanky IG-88 way back in ’81, I thought it’s design was a bit of a joke. It wasn’t very threatening or imposing. In fact, it looked like a last minute prop thrown in to the now iconic bounty hunter line-up on Vader’s Star Destroyer. Sure, the prequels had battle hardened droids in them. But they were mostly comedy relief. Minus the comedy. It wasn’t until K-2SO came along in Rogue One that I ever thought of a droid as a weapon. Or scary. And K-2SO delivered on both, with a sense of menace and dread who was just a line of programming away from being unleashed on Jyn Erso. Fast forward to Favreau’s Twitter snap on the set of The Mandalorian and we see what looks to be IG-88, not looking too bad since the fall of the Empire. Favreau is a master of instagram marketing, having employed this same tactic with another metal dude back in his Marvel days, so this there’s no way this pic is by accident. And we don’t think he’d make the effort if the droid is going to be just a bit player. And, of course, he’s not. In fact, it’s actually a droid known as IG-11. We’ll find out later this year when the series launches with Disney+, but I have to say that the character being used is a great choice. If the Mandalorian is following in the steps of a certain bounty hunter we all know and love, then maybe IG-11 is the competition. Or faithful companion. Hopefully we’ll see other hunters from Empire as well. These would all be welcome, as we’ve never really seen them in live-action. Regardless, looks like we’ll find out in November when the highly anticipated ‘Mandalorian’ hits the home screens!