
Meet Cosplay Star Honor Lychee!

This week we’re happy to introduce the highly skilled and versatile cosplayer, Honor Lychee! Heavily influenced by Anime, Honor has developed skill and ability through a deep passion of the craft, with results that are easily seen in her detailed cosplays. Join us as we review the work and ‘origin story’ of Oklahoma’s own Honor Lychee!


Hello! My name is Sandi Lychee, but I’m better known as Honor Lychee. I’m a cosplayer from Oklahoma, and I’ve been cosplaying for about 6 years. I consider myself a semi-professional, and I’ve guested at numerous conventions throughout the Mid-West. My next upcoming guest spots include Dallas Fan Days, East Texas Rose Comic Con, Kansas City Comic Con, and CosplayCon & Anime Experience. 

Favorite genre/characters/mythos? 

I’m definitely more of an anime person. My favorite anime is Madoka Magica, with my favorite character being Kyoko Sakura. I felt very connected to her the moment she came on the screen, and she really inspired my love for Cosplay, as she is still my favorite character to cosplay. I have started dabbling more in comics as of late, but I haven’t found a character that I really relate to and love, but I will admit that I do like a lot of Harley Quinn’s designs, which is why I’ve been cosplaying a lot of her versions as of late. 

How did you get started?

I was introduced to cosplay when I was in Elementary school. I read my first manga, Rozen Maiden, and being the kid that I was, was looking at photos of my favorite character, Suiseiseki, to put on my school binders when I discovered people dressed up like her. It was then that I discovered Cosplay. I immediately fell in love, but my parents didn’t think it was appropriate, so instead I spent several years watching videos and doing research on the subject. My freshman year of highschool, I saved up all my Christmas money, and I bought my first cosplay which was Suiseiseki and wore it to my first convention in Tokyo in Tulsa. From then on, I was hooked on cosplay and dived further into it ever since.

Who or what is your inspiration?

I have several inspirations when it comes to cosplay. One of my main famous cosplay idols is Stella Chu, but more locally I accredit four specific individuals. First is Life Fiber Cosplay. She’s an AMAZING cosplayer who I look up to heavily. Everything she touches turns into a movie quality costume and she’s won several major awards for her costuming, but what I look up the most with her is the fact that she is so humble and nice. Second and third are my good friends Courtney’s Cosplay and College Cosplay. College Cosplay has been there for me through a lot in my cosplay career, and helps me so much by having build days, helping me with my foam work, and more than anything, being my best cosplay friend. Courtney inspires me for much of the same reason, she’s always here for me, and is willing to lend a helping hand whenever needed. But, most of all, my largest cosplay inspiration is my boyfriend Ken Edwards. Without him, I never would have had the courage to continue cosplaying in my darker times, and I never would have had the courage to step out and start guesting and judging contests. He pushes me to succeed further and he pushes me to be a better cosplayer, and person. 

Favorite materials or techniques? 

Sewing is my niche. That being said though, I still work with other mediums like foam and worbla. My favorite part of my creative process is painting though, it’s just relaxing and very fun to me. 

Favorite resource you use for learning?

Youtube is my usual go-to when it comes to learning different techniques or skills, but I do occasionally go to other sites such as Wig wise, Epic Cosplay Wigs is my favorite place to get tutorials! I am also a large advocate of trial-and-error.

Any tips for beginners?

Don’t be afraid to be yourself! Don’t let anyone decide what you cosplay or discourage you from feeling confident. Also, don’t be afraid to reach out to others in an attempt for help, critiques, and encouragement. Cosplay is about fun, so if you’re not having fun, then you’re not doing it right. At the end of the day, we are all just nerds in costumes.

Where can people see more of your work?

I’m on all the social medias!




Instagram: (@honorlychee)

We thank Honor Lychee for sharing her story and pics this week, so be sure and follow her social media pages for more inspiration as well as updates on her appearances. Stay tuned for more cosplay coverage, and if you know of someone we should cover, email us at so we can shine a light on their hard work and talent, just like Honor Lychee!

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