
Meet Cosplayer Bane Grimm!

As huge fans of , we at think it’s time to shine a spotlight on some of our local creators and makers. If you’ve been to any regional cons, you’ve probably seen some of these good people and maybe even snapped a pic or two. But can you imagine a con without them? They’re like the lifeblood and the cheerleaders of all things geek, fearlessly putting it all out there for the world to see and celebrate. They truly are the ambassadors of fandom. The hours, talent and tenacity it takes to pull of these feats can be extraordinary, so we’d like to begin showcasing these super-fans weekly. Our first subject is Blaine Thomas, otherwise known as BANE GRIMM! So read along as we subject BANE to our questions, and as we see what makes him passionate about cosplay maybe you’ll be inspired too.

Geek’d asks: So what’s your Favorite genre, characters, mythos:

Comics/80s-90s Cartoons

How did you get started?

I got started with the help of my friends, David and Curtis, for SoonerCon 2012. I did the comic book version of Bane. Venom system and all.

Who or what is your inspiration:

My original inspiration was Master Le Cosplay. I was focused on getting healthy and saw his journey with P90X and found out he also cosplayed. I had been wanting to try it before. So cosplay is a factor in my goal of being healthy and staying in shape.

What are your favorite materials or techniques:

I’m a “buy the part and modify” kinda cosplayer, but with the help of my current cosplay group, I’ve started to expand to actually crafting things from scratch. There is a lot of skill, and I have a lot to learn.

Favorite resource you use for learning:

I will utilize Youtube (SO MANY TUTORIALS) and watching my cosplay friends.

Any tips for beginners?

Don’t be afraid! Cosplay is for everyone! Don’t compare your first cosplay to others. Make a list of cosplays, then pick 1 and focus on that one. It’s easy to drop lots of money on 10% of 10 cosplays and have 0 done.

Where can people see more of your work?

New World Comics every other Saturday, 63rd and Meridian in OKC

Thanks so much to Bane Grimm for taking the time to chat with us regarding his cosplay approach and inspiration. Bane is active with charity events as well, so visit his social media sites for the latest announcements and activities this cosplayer has scheduled in the community.

What do you think?

Written by geek'd

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