
Tales from the dark multiverse Batman knightfall

In the DC comic universe there is a Multiverse and every choice that is made creates a new universe. With the said what if batman choose the wrong successor. In this issue of The Dark Knight Azrael takes the mantle of Batman and rebuilds gotham into a city of faith and he is the saint batman. The comic starts with The Watcher telling the reader about the Multiverse and what choices were made to get to this universe what should of happened and what happened here. Azrael stabs our batman in the back defeating him telling bruce that he will protect this city, by purging it in a great fire and then rebuilds from the wreckage over a course of thirty years. The comic is an absolute thriller of what could happen if our hero Batman were to ever fail. Its has an amazing plot line that kept me glued to pages as I kept reading. It’s a great read and makes me wonder about other dark universe where our beloved heroes might have failed or even turn to a darker version of themselves. The next issues it one about Superman and I can’t wait to see what the red caped superpowered hero could have turned into.

What do you think?

Written by geek'd

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