
The Divison: Beta Review

Ubisoft’s preview of The Division was a nice but limited look into the game’s potential. Of course, being that it was the beta the game is subject to change; however, how much could realistically be modified with the release date right around the corner? While some minor items need to be fixed such as the control bugs, visual glitches, etc, our true hope is that they expand on the player vs player aspect of gameplay. With no real storyline revealed, we were left with just some missions to get us excited for the official release. This game also has the potential to contain a lack of content. Hopefully the beta isn’t the model for how you’ll play when you finish the missions (i.e running around aimlessly looking for bots to kill/scavenge, chaos in the Dark Zone, the FFA area, without friends to back you up, etc). Looks great, but we’re hoping for more from one of the most hyped (and often rescheduled) games of this year.

What do you think?

Written by geek'd

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