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Tulsa Pop Culture Expo Approaching Quickly!

T-Pop’s Line-Up Looks Promising as it Comes up this Weekend!

Get your cosplays ready, Oklahoma pop culture lovers! The next Tulsa Pop Culture Expo is coming up November 2-4, 2018. 

Brandon Routh has played roles in Superman Returns, Scott Pilgrim vs. The World, and DC Legends of Tomorrow

Held at the Renaissance Hotel in Tulsa, Ok, you have the chance to meet and greet with some big names. The star of Superman Returns, Brandon Routh will be in attendance along with Full Metal Jacket’s Adam Baldwin, and The Outsiders’ C. Thomas Howell.


There will also be some small screen actors from TV shows such as Katie Cassidy from CW’s Arrow with stars from Stephen Universe, The Dukes of Hazard, The Munsters, Chips, and more!

Arrow and Supernatural’s Katie Cassidy

Writers and illustrators in the print world of comics will make appearances as well. Eisner Award nominee, Christopher James Priest will talk Black Panther and his other achievements. Jeremy Haun who created projects like The Realm, RWBY, Riddler, Batman Arkham Reborn and more will be there to spread his wisdom as well as many more great creatives.

Finally, what would a con be without video game attractions? There will be indie games playable on the floor as well as a retro game lounge where you can relive the glory days of arcade games. Not to mention ESports tournaments with cash prizes.

Sign up, purchase autographs, and get tickets for all of this nerdy greatness and more at

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Written by geek'd

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