World of Warcraft’s sixth expansion is close at hand. Releasing August 30th, ‘Legion’ brings a new chapter to the story of Warcraft. This article will be part one of a short series to get you informed on some of the new and exciting additions and changes to the the MMO titan, ‘World of Warcraft’.
Whats New?
The newest expansion to the long running MMO others a whole slew of new places to explore, enemies to combat, and a big story to expand on the already large lore of World of Warcraft. Bringing back one of the longest standing enemies in the Warcraft universe, the Burning Legion, players are tasked with fighting the largest to date invasion of Azeroth by the foul demons. Utilizing the new Artifact Weapons and the long lsit of class changes, players will use every asset at their disposal to fight back the demon tide.
Following the conclusion of the last expansion (Warlords of Draenor) back on Azeroth, a massive invasion from the Legion is underway, one that many heroes of Warcraft fear will be the end for all if not stopped. This said invasion takes place in the Broken Isles, a place that hasn’t been seen since the original Warcraft RTS series was the face of the Warcraft world. shrouded in mystery and littered with signs of the ancient past, the Broken Isles becomes the staging ground for the Legion’s return to Azeroth, where many heroes must meet and join forces to combat the demonic threat before everything is lost.
New Zones
The Broken Isles consists of six zones in total. The Broken Shore being the entry point for players on their way to fight the oncoming demons, skirmishing against the legion as they pour out of their invading portals. Stormheim, one of the four primary leveling zones, a beautiful woodland inhabited by a faction of Vrykul. Highmountain, the mountain range home of the newly known Highmountain Tauren tribe that live off the lands. Val’sharah, the origin point and sacred ground of druidism that is threatened by the Xavius and the Emerald Nightmare he heralds into the waking world of Azeroth. Azsuna, littered with remnants of the ancient night elf civilization from before the Sundering thousands of years ago, now roamed by ghosts of the past and some remains of the blue dragonflight. And Surumar, the final zone that players will explore. Home to the Nightfallen and their capital city, heroes who venture here will only do so at cap level to learn how the mysterious nightfallen fit into the plans of the Burning Legion.
Questing/World Content
As in every expansion, each zone has its own set of quests to complete following a story related to the zone. However, this time around, players can choose whichever zone they please from the four leveling zones to progress through. With no level gating to each zone, the new level scaling system is being added. Allowing the player to scale in level to the zone they are in to insure that the challenge stays present. With the introduction of Class Halls to Legion, players will recieve World Quests from their respective hall. These quests are offered by emissaries arriving at player’s halls. Once completing these quests, players receive rewards in the form of gear, rep, and other useful items for player progression. Emissaries come from different factions scattered around the isles, requiring the player to travel to specific zones to complete said quests.
Visual Updates
Along with new zones, creatures, and story to see in Legion, theres also plenty of visual goodies to see as well. As with each expansion, new creature models and updates to old ones are introduced. Along with new updated models for the different druid forms, players will also noticed many new and updated combat animations added. With new animations and particle effects the feel
of the game will start to seem somewhat fresh compared to the old and stale animations of abilities from ten years ago.
Thats it for part one of our Legion update series, check back Thursday to get the short, but informative scoop of what’s to come with the invasion of Azeroth! – Geek’d