
Terminator Dark Fate (Spoilers)

Terminator Dark Fate continues the Terminator movies in present time with everything effecting the future. At first I thought the movie was going to be a copy of what has already happened, but Linda Hamilton and Arnold Schwarzenegger really came to the rescue of this movie. When each of them come into the movie it changed what they have done in the past in these movies. Linda really came back into here role as Sarah and was a dominant bad ass helping a young girl survive the terminator sent to kill her, with the help of an augmented human from the future.

Sarah in the years since the last movie has been receiving texts with a location, date, and time of when a terminator is coming, this last time there are two, one of them the augmented human from the future and the other the terminator sent to kill the young girl who threatens the terminators dominance in the future. Their journey takes them through several action packed scenes trying to escape the new and improved terminator. Along the way they find acquire the coordinates of the person sending the texts to Sarah and they meet the character “Carl” (Arnold Schwarzenegger’s terminator), the terminator who killed Sarah’s son, who since the take down of SkyNet has found a family to take care of. Carl and the rest pack up his weapons and head out to meet a military personel to get a weapon that can kill the new terminator. They just escape an attack by the terminator and end up taking a big plane from the military to escape it which ends up backfiring as lose they weapon and the plane later crashes due to another attack from the machine.

They end up getting out of the plane before it fully falls apart and end up at a dam falling into the water and barely escaping the killer machine. They regroup at the entrance of the dam and enter to take there final stand. They struggle to take down the Terminator, having to use the augmented humans power source to take down the new and improved terminator saving the young girl from death and saving the future.

This movie (if successful enough) has set up the ground work for a run off into a new trilogy of Terminator movies, if not it may be the last one we see. Terminator Dark Fate was easily and definitely better than any of the past sequels to Terminator.

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Written by geek'd

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